The Harvesting workshop Prevention on 12 November builds on the earlier Prevention Workshop. The purpose of this morning is to continue joint discussion and harvest from thematic tables around the themes of Ownership, Socioeconomic Security, and Development/Harmonising.

Doors open at 9:00 a.m. After the earlier workshops, the themes have continued independently. We are eager to hear the insights and ideas that have emerged from them. By sharing this harvest, we hope to inspire each other and take new steps. In addition to the thematic sessions, Inge Muller of Amsterdam Vitaal & Gezond (AVG) will present the activities of AVG. We look at possible connections with the ongoing AVG coalitions. We also present the results of a study on funding streams.

The morning concludes with a look to the future. We will discuss the connection between Prevention and the Amsterdam Economic Board’s new course.

The event will be held in Dutch.

Would you like to attend the Prevention Harvest Atelier? Please send an email to Gerty Holla.

More information

As we’re moving towards a smart, green and healthy Metropolis of Tomorrow, our region can no longer afford to focus only on disease and curative care. In the Prevention initiative, we explore how the region can reduce health disparities – aiming towards an inclusive prosperity for all residents. We are also exploring options for reducing rising healthcare costs and increased staff shortages.

Read reports on previous workshops on prevention. Amsterdam Economic Board organises this event, in cooperation with the Metropoolregio Amsterdam and ROM InWest.

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