Making an impact with the Amsterdam Economic Board

What specific outcomes do your efforts yield? That's a question we're often asked at the Amsterdam Economic Board. Our Impact retrospective 2016-2023 (in Dutch) provides insight into the key movements we have initiated over the past eight years.

We look back at very tangible results. Like the 10-15% energy savings for data servers, by setting the eco-mode – a result by our LEAP initiative. The 35,000 people who have been introduced to the tech sector, thanks to our programme TechConnect. Or the 160 tons of textile waste we saved through various activities by our Green Deal Circular Textiles initiative. Download the Impact retrospective pdf (in Dutch).

Not all we do can be expressed in numbers or quantities. We initiate movements. We make people in our broad network aware of the importance of clean mobility, skills-based work, the prevention of disease with the help of data, responsible digitalisation and the sustainable use of raw materials and energy. That awareness often leads to new collaborations that trigger the necessary action. That’s what matters. It is a profoundly human process.

Working on societal challenges

The Amsterdam Economic Board was founded in 2010, but the Impact retrospective looks back until 2016. Then we began to work on societal challenges and transition tasks involving the circular economy, digital, mobility, health and talent. In 2019, energy was added to these tasks. The impact of our Amsterdam Smart City programme is also covered in the publication.

Impact with the network

Can we claim all this impact as our own? Impossible. The Amsterdam Economic Board has initiated the necessary structural changes together with a broad network. Members of our Board, our 135 Network Council members and many other partners. All results we’ve achieved together. With our network, we have laid a solid foundation on which we will continue to build in the coming years. Together we are on our way towards the smart, green and healthy Metropolis of Tomorrow.

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The Amsterdam Economic Board works with decision-makers, innovation managers and changemakers from businesses, academia and government to create a smart, green and healthy region. Do you want to make an impact and move innovative projects forward, together with other regional frontrunners?

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6 December 2023

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