Does your organisation see opportunities to get started with Raw Materials Transition, Energy Transition or Manufacturing? Where is the overlap and what approach is needed? Find out more at this GEM session.

The energy and raw materials transition are coming together; the manufacturing industry plays an important role in this. Have you thought about what impact this development will have for your organisation? And what role can you take in new economic systems that are climate neutral and circular? How do we ensure a fair and socially responsible playing field?

The Amsterdam Economic Board is currently exploring five themes, and this fall the network will decide which topics to work on together. Read more about our new course and possible new themes. The themes of Raw Materials Transition, Energy Systems of the Future and Sustainable Industry have already provided a broad spectrum of topics. There is much overlap between these three thematic explorations. In the GEM session you will talk with us and give direction on the economic possibilities and opportunities within these themes.

As an important booster of a future-proof economy, with an eye for people and nature, we are happy to engage with our partners in this GEM session.

Are you interested in this event? If so, please contact Laetitia Stuijt.


More information about the programme will follow soon.

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