How does your organization score on sustainable purchasing?
Purchasing, how do you do that as an organization in a responsible manner? For example, you can always opt for a more sustainable alternative to energy and transport, but you can also purchase ICT, catering and office furniture more honestly and innovatively. How much impact does your organization already make when it comes to facility purchasing?
Research Hogeschool van Amsterdam
In collaboration with the Hogeschool van Amsterdam we offer the possibility, based on an Impact Scan – facility purchasing, to organize your own organization through 3 e year students (Minor Purchasing) under the microscope.
How is your organization doing in the field of facility purchasing? And which points for improvement are there to be able to make a real impact? The students map it out on the basis of interviews and would like to get in touch with your organization.
Sign In
Do you want to actively get started with purchasing with impact and are you curious about how your organization is doing at the moment? You can register for the study until October 11, 2020 via buy stating research.
- When: October and November 2020
- For whom: Purchasers Facility Affairs, COO
2 oktober 2020
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