Smart Health Amsterdam
Smart applications of artificial intelligence (AI) and data sciences contribute to a healthier world and better medical care. That is why Smart Health Amsterdam has built a strong network, connecting the Life Sciences & Health sector with data sciences and AI.
Through that network, we combine the power of health, innovation, AI and data. Together, we’ve worked towards a smart and healthier future for the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area.
Read more about Smart Health Amsterdam in the news reports.
What is Smart Health Amsterdam?
Smart Health Amsterdam is the network for data and AI-based innovation in the Life Sciences & Health sector within the Amsterdam region. The Amsterdam Economic Board set up the platform in 2019 with the City of Amsterdam. Since then, the collaboration between 13 partners has grown into a unique regional ecosystem with more than 1,400 community members, who are joining forces on innovations in healthcare.
Results with Smart Health Amsterdam
- The Smart Health Amsterdam team has built a powerful ecosystem for players at the intersection of health and data/AI. Here, the region can clearly position itself, relevant players know can find each other and enter into new collaborations for innovations.
- From 2019 to 2023, the Amsterdam Economic Board has organised about 20 events annually (a total of about 75 events in 4 years) for this initiative.
- The initiative was a partner in more than 30 events, including TNW and WSAI, contributing in content, topics and speakers. We also initiated events such as the Digital Health Meeting and the LSH Science & Innovation dinner i.c.w. Amsterdam Science Park.
- Boosting several ecosystem-building initiatives, such as Hacking Health Amsterdam, Health Innovation School and the Zorgambassade.
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