Health Innovation Ecosystem Amsterdam
Data science and AI technology are increasingly impacting the Life Sciences & Health sector, enabling us to live healthier lives for longer. Therefore, we’re mapping out all parties, which play an important role within this innovative ecosystem.
The Amsterdam Metropolitan Area is bustling with health data and AI initiatives, organisations and companies. All these players share the same goal: devising smart solutions to prevent disease and encourage active and healthy ageing. But who are these innovative parties in the Amsterdam region?
Is your initiative or organisation not yet included or do you have other additions? If so, please send a message to one of our contacts.
Would you like to connect with this strong ecosystem for innovation at the intersection of data, artificial intelligence and healthcare? Then make sure to take part in our meetups. Read about our health innovation events.
Ecosystem for innovation in health

Click the image to enlarge.
Parties in the ecosystem
See below the list of all parties within the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area actively working with data science and artificial intelligence on innovations in the health sector.
Ahti | Amsterdam Economic Board | Big Data Alliance | City AI | Smart Health Amsterdam | Spark Health
AI Hackathon | Amsterdam Medical Data Science | Global AI Bootcamp | World Summit AI | Hacking Health Amsterdam | Innovation for Health |
Accenture Innovation Awards | Philips Innovation Award | Sustainable Healthcare Challenge | National Healthcare Innovation Award
Emerce | ICT & Health | Silicon Canals | Zorgvisie
Point of Entry
Amsterdam InChange | Startup Amsterdam | Amsterdam Tech | IAmsterdam | SmartCity Haarlem
Bachelor’s degrees
Amsterdam School of Data Science | Hogeschool van Amsterdam | University of Amsterdam | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Master’s degrees
Amsterdam School of Data Science | University of Amsterdam | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Teaching Schools
Data/AI expertise
ACE AI Lab | Amsterdam Data Science | Big Data Value Center | Braincreators | CWI | Digital Life Centre | Elsevier
Amsterdam Science Park | Innovation Center for Artificial Intelligence
Medical expertise
AMOLF | Amsterdam UMC | AtalMedial | Cordaan | Hartwig | NKI-AVL | OLVG | Sanquin | Spaarne Gasthuis
HealthInc | Rockstart | Startup Bootcamp
ACE | Amsterdam Venture Studios
European Medicines Agency | Municipality of Amsterdam | Chamber of Commerce | PIM North Holland
NLGroeit | Panaxea | ScaleUpNation | TTopstart
Business angels
Arches Capital | Business Angels Network Netherlands | LeapFunder | Orthos Ventures
Private Equity & VC
AescAp Life Sciences | Bio Generation Ventures | Curiosity Venture Capital | EQT Life Sciences | Holland Venture | Inkef | Mibiton | Sequioa | Venture Builders | Volta Ventures
Public funds
Horizon | North Holland Innovation Fund | ROM InWest
Corporate VC

Health innovation events
To strengthen the regional ecosystem for innovation in healthcare, we organise several series of events. Please click below to read more and make sure to check our events page for upcoming meetups.
More information
Want to learn more about how we are working on a strong ecosystem for innovation at the intersection of data, artificial intelligence and healthcare? Then check out our Smart Health Amsterdam (now part of Amsterdam AI) and Health Data Space Amsterdam initiatives. Or contact the team at Amsterdam Economic Board.
Contact us
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