Health Data Space Amsterdam

Smartly unlocking the increasing amount of medical data makes a positive contribution to regional and national public health. Large amounts of anonymous health data help provide insight into how we can keep people healthy for long periods of time.

Amsterdam Economic Board launched the initiative now called Health Data Space Amsterdam (formerly Health Data Infrastructure) in 2017. With 7 partners from the region, we developed a plan to intelligently unlock health data to make a positive contribution to public health in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area.

Please read our news articles about the Health Data Space Amsterdam initiative.

What is Health Data Space Amsterdam (HDSA)?

Health Data Space Amsterdam is a secure environment in which three Amsterdam hospitals share patients’ medical data. With the goal of reducing health disparities in the region and keeping health care accessible.

Analysing and monitoring large amounts of data can prevent hospitalisations and over-treatment. Data provide insight into what works for different people, allowing treatments to be personalised. Data-based knowledge also opens doors to early diagnoses and even prevention of many (lifestyle) diseases, so people might not get sick.

Watch the video to learn more.

More benefits

A national, integrated Health Data Space contributes to better health and higher quality of care. The information also gives healthcare providers better tools to do their jobs well. It makes available data accessible for faster and better medical research.

All those improvements also make economic impact. For the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area, it is estimated to amount to between 195 and 315 million euros per year. By making valuable use of available medical data for a healthy future for all residents.

Results with Health Data Space Amsterdam (HDSA)

  • Since 2017, the Amsterdam Economic Board has put on the agenda the need to improve data sharing and deployment of AI in healthcare.
  • In 2020, three hospitals, universities, Philips, the City of Amsterdam and a leading group of Board members committed to this plan and provided start-up funding.
  • Construction and positioning of the Health Data Space Amsterdam in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area, implementation of the first application areas and connection with other national initiatives.
  • An elaborate governance model for responsible and secure data sharing, public support research, legal and ethical aspects.
  • Attract funding for subsequent phases.
  • On behalf of the coalition partners, the quartermaster realised the launch of HDSA (first regionally, with the intention of scaling up nationally).
  • Launch of and the establishment of an independent foundation.

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