Circular workwear

The Circular workwear initiative aims to encourage governments and companies to choose circular corporate clothing The goal is: by 2025, 25% of all workwear in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area will be circularly sourced. And by 2030 it will be 50%.

Why circular workwear?

Industrial clothing is a major sector within the Dutch textile industry. But corporate clothing is often not produced sustainably. Companies also tend to not handle textiles sustainably.

The Amsterdam Economic Board therefore started the Circular workwear initiative. This initiative focuses on the impact that the production and handling of workwear has on the environment. And what companies can do to deal with this better and more sustainably. Repairing, recycling and circular purchasing of workwear will reduce pollution in the textile industry. This may have only a small impact for one company. Still: every euro you spend on fair and sustainable workwear does not go to polluting industries with poor working conditions.

What about you?

Are your employees already wearing circular corporate clothing? See how many of our Network Council members have already started using circular textiles in their own organisations.

What we are working on

  • Measuring status (% circular procurement)
  • Two annual meetings with 10-20 participants and 5-10 participating organisations
  • Joint market consultation
  • Meetup with companies and knowledge institutions
  • Registration for softshells (still subject to change)

Join us

Would your organisation like to contribute to the Circular workwear initiative? To participate, please contact Claire Teurlings, Lead Circular Economy.

Circular workwear is part of the Green Deal Circular Textiles.

Claire Teurlings | Amsterdam Economic Board
Circulaire bedrijfskleding | Amsterdam Economic Board

Are you already wearing circular corporate clothing?

To several members of our Network Council circular textiles are so important that they have incorporated it in their own organisations. Their employees wear circular clothing. This is not very complicated or costly. Read about the experiences of KPN and Shell, for example. And check out the Dutch quickstart with tips on how to implement circular workwear in your organisation.

20 Network Council members are already ahead of you

AM | Province of Noord-Holland | Ahold Delhaize | OLVG | KLM | KPN | Gemeente Amstelveen | Patagonia | Reade | Meerlanden | Royal Flora Holland | Vattenfall | ABN AMRO Bank | BAM | Technische Unie | Renewi | Shell | Pantar | Alliander | Tata Steel | Iron Mountain

Employees of these Network Council members (and/or their facility partners, such as canteen staff or security guards) already wear circular clothing. Are you a member of our Network Council and your organisation should be listed here? Please get in touch and let us know!

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