Purchasing with impact: start now or share your knowledge
With every euro that you spend as an organisation on products and services, you have the choice for the more sustainable, fairer or more innovative alternative. This makes purchasing an important driver for a smart, green and healthy future for the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area.
Systems and habits are thus broken. Do you already have experience with purchasing with impact and do you want to share your knowledge? Or are you still new in this field and would you like to learn more? We would like to get in touch with you.
Focus on Facility purchasing
Every organization purchases specific raw materials, services and products intended for their primary processes. But there are also things that almost every organization needs, including energy, work space, IT, catering, office furniture and transport. If we all make an impact when purchasing, hiring or leasing these facility services, it will yield a lot:
- It stimulates the demand for and supply of things that contribute to a smart, green and healthy future, such as clean transport, circular furniture and healthy catering;
- It reduces the demand for things we actually want to say goodbye to: such as fossil energy, disposable items or poor working conditions;
We do not start from scratch. Because a lot of knowledge, experience and involvement has already been gathered around, for example, smart and clean city logistics and the circular use of lighting.
For everyone
The great thing is that everyone can buy with impact. Whether you work for an SME, startup, corporate or institution, your organization can also participate. For example with your lunch sandwiches and things like office supplies, but also large companies that purchase enormous quantities. One organization will want to make a big leap and as a launching customer want to purchase innovative products or services with a major impact. The other organization keeps it manageable and prefers to opt for proven alternatives.
Are you still new in this field and do you want to know how you can get started and make an impact with your purchasing policy? Do you want to start small around a specific business unit or receive tips on how to get your entire organisation involved? Please get in touch with us via email.
Or maybe you have already gained experience with purchasing with impact. Now is the time to get other parties involved, so that we can actually make an impact with an ever-larger group! Do you want to share best practices, do’s & don’ts and all your experience and knowledge with a wide network? Or are you ready to take the next step yourself? Send us an email and we’ll get back to you.
11 september 2020
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