Human Capital Agenda

Amsterdam Economic Board rolled out the regional plan ‘Werk maken van talent’ between 2014 and 2018. The aim was: to make the best use of available talent in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area.

Getting enough and well-trained people into the labour market at the right time should lead to a better connection between education and labour market.

The Amsterdam Metropolitan Area is suffering the effects of the financial and economic crisis. Unemployment is rising and it is increasingly difficult for young people in particular to find paid work. For older people, job retention and employability are becoming more and more of a challenge and re-entry into the labour market is difficult.

In 2018, the regional plan Making Work of Talent was successfully completed and the plan for the second phase was made. 2019 was dominated by the execution of this assignment from our organizstion to the Human Capital Steering Committee and focused on the creation of Human Capital Agendas around the other five metropolitan challenges that Amsterdam Economic Board focused on: Mobility, Circular Economy, Health, Energy and Digital Connectivity. Key themes in this are technological developments, lifelong development and inclusiveness.

In 2018, Amsterdam Economic Board launched the IT talent programme TechConnect with the ambition to activate at least 50,000 people from underrepresented groups to studies and jobs in IT in four years. Due to the fragmentation of talent initiatives in the areas of retraining, lateral entry, advancement and inclusivity and inclusion, the TOMAS initiative is being launched.


  • In 2019, 10 educational institutions will arrive at a Circular Education Manifesto (pdf in Dutch) that highlights and endorses circular ambitions in their own elaborate plans. This is to promote collaboration and a forward-looking curriculum
  • Exploration of possibilities for developing a business case and subsequent realization of an Innovation Lab for Mobility for the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area in cooperation with the ROC of Amsterdam, among others. The Mobility Innovation Lab encourages young people to choose the intersection of technology-mobility, thus contributing to more opportunities for emission-free urban logistics
  • Collaboration of at least 5 parties who jointly enable the business case and/or contribute to the operation and (educational) programming of the Mobility Innovation Lab
  • The Digital Connectivity and Talent for the Future challenges are working together to develop and implement our TechConnect programme.

Role of the Amsterdam Economic Board

Initiate, mobilise, drive, provide a platform.

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