Make IT Work rewarded as best practice retraining digital skills in the EU

The European Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society has selected Make IT Work, the retraining project of the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, as the model project for teaching digital skills.  This was announced in June at the Digital Assembly Event in Sofia, Bulgaria.

The Make IT Work programme is training non-IT university graduates in the Netherlands for new careers in IT. In parallel, employers participating in the fast-track training partnerships gain access to the high-quality specialists they need to provide services and grow.

There are so many ways in which we can foster digital skills among EU citizens. It is important that we share information on the many good practices across Europe, to see what is working well in one country and replicate it in others, adapting to the specific local needs and demands. The European Commission, with the contribution of the Digital Champions, has identified Make IT Work a one off the great projects that could be an inspiration for other similar initiatives, that could also be supported by the European Social Fund.

 The Amsterdam Economic Board

The Board was one of the first parties to submit a Pledge to the Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs & Skills at the European Commission on behalf of the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area. That contributed to the fact that Make IT Work has now been selected as example project.

5 July 2018

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