Zorginnovatieprijs (Healthcare Innovation Award)

The National Zorginnovatieprijs 2023 awards the most innovative scale-up in the field of healthcare and welfare. It is chosen from the winners of regional preliminaries. For Noord-Holland, our Zorg2025 initiative is a regional partner of organiser Zorginnovatie.nl.

Make sure to read about previous participants and winners of the regional preliminaries.

Regional preliminaries Zorginnovatieprijs

Together with partners Sigra, Rabobank Amsterdam, ROM InWest and Smart Health Amsterdam, the Amsterdam Economic Board has successfully organised the Zorg2025 meetings and the regional preliminary round of the Zorginnovatieprijs for many years. Regional winners get a yearlong membership of our Network Council and will take part in the national finals.

Finalists in the national competition will have a chance to win a cash prize and receive free entry to the Health Valley Event, national visibility and publicity, guidance on the further development of their innovation and access to the Zorginnovatie.nl network.

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