Barbara Baarsma: ‘We have to build and build’
The corona crisis hits Amsterdam amidships. The city is a virus hotspot, the economy and population are shrinking, the social consequences are enormous. Rabobank Amsterdam director Barbara Baarsma: 'We have to invest hard in this crisis.'
Barbara Baarsma is also Board member and in that capacity contributes to the strategic direction of the Amsterdam Economic Board.
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“The second shock, or better: the aftershock, is coming. The government has taken many measures to mitigate the effects of the first shock, the lockdown. Successfully. But the next emergency kit is less extensive. Many companies are running at half speed and have hardly any reserves, while they will soon have to repay loans and payment plans expire. They can then fall over or close. More Amsterdammers will soon lose their jobs. This crisis has long-lasting effects that will affect the Dutch, but certainly also the Amsterdam economy for years to come. ”
Baarsma proposes three measures to stimulate the Amsterdam economy: retraining talent, building more houses and finally, improving the happiness of its inhabitants.
High Impact Procurement
At the Amsterdam Economic Board, we focus on High Impact Procurement. Within this program Rabobank Amsterdam is working towards 100% facility purchasing by 2030. Curious about what impact purchasing can mean for your organization? Read more.
MRA Green Deal
A joint approach to the sustainability ambitions should enable a faster recovery of the economy of the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area while strengthening the economy and labor market of the future. We do this in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area through the MRA Green Deal, together with knowledge institutions, companies and governments. read more .
14 September 2020
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