Augmedit, Ellogon.AI, Kepler Vision and Layco to regional preliminary round Zorginnovatieprijs 2024
The four most promising innovative scale-ups in healthcare have been nominated. These healthcare innovators and representatives from the region compete to win a placement in the finals of the National Zorginnovatieprijs 2024: the award for the most innovative scale-up in the field of care and welfare.
From as many as 25 regional entries, four nominees have been selected. These innovative scale-ups from the province of North Holland will compete on February 13 in the regional preliminaries for the National Zorginnovatieprijs 2024.
Apart from a chance at all the honour, attention and recognition, the stakes are high. The regional winner will receive a free membership to our Network Council, win two tickets to Innovation for Health and will be invited to a spotlight event by Kadans Science Partner. Most importantly, the regional winner will advance to the national finals on March 21st, during the Health Valley Event. All the exposure is a prime opportunity for nominees to accelerate their innovation.
Regional nominees
These four entrepreneurs pitch their innovation to a professional jury and the public. During this event we combine the regional preliminaries with the official opening of Plus Ultra Amsterdam.
Details about the programme and location can be found on our event page for the regional preliminaries. Want to be there with us? Sign up early!
Convincing, scalable business models
“For innovation in healthcare, startups and scaleups are indispensable. With our preliminary round of the Zorginnovatieprijs, we offer a stage to our regional showpieces,” says Gerty Holla, Lead Health. Linze Rijswijk of ROM InWest adds: “Together with the Amsterdam Economic Board, Sigra, Rabobank and Amsterdam AI, we had the difficult task of selecting the best from the 25 North Holland entries. The four nominated companies are innovative, have a compelling and scalable business model and can make a lot of impact in healthcare.”
Zorginnovatieprijs (Healthcare Innovation Award)
The National Healthcare Innovation Award (Zorginnovatieprijs) is an award for the most innovative company in the scale-up phase in the field of health and wellness. This is an opportunity for entrepreneurs to accelerate their innovation that has already been tried, tested and launched. There are regional preliminaries nationwide, and each region selects one finalist. The finale of the National Zorginnovatieprijs 2024 is on March 21 during the Health Valley Event. The award ceremony will be during the Zorg & ICT event on April 10th, 2024.
The regional preliminaries for the National Zorginnovatieprijs are co-sponsored by the partners of Zorg2025.
About Zorg2025
The Amsterdam Economic Board, Sigra, Rabobank Amsterdam, Amsterdam AI and ROM InWest have successfully organised the Zorg2025 meetings and the regional preliminary round of the Zorginnovatieprijs for many years. The Zorg2025 meetings are aimed at bringing together health and wellness innovators and professionals, industry, researchers and knowledge institutions in the field of health and prevention. The premise is to share knowledge, new research and innovative applications.
11 January 2024
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