With AMdEX, we are developing a digital notary. This notary provides contracts to organisations that want to share data. AMdEX also enforces the terms in these contracts. The contracts support simple data transactions between two organisations. But also complex algorithms for Artificial Intelligence, which must access data stored in multiple locations.


In today’s economy, not all organisations have equal access to data and the ability to use it for innovation. Uncertainty about security, privacy and data ownership makes data sharing expensive and legally complicated. Which means that companies with fewer resources have a hard time getting acces to data. This hampers fair competition and thus we miss out on great opportunities.

By making data contracts easier, cheaper and more readily available, AMdEX is creating a level playing field where all organisations have equal access to data.

Read more about AMdEX in these news reports.

What is AMdEX

In AMdEX, several companies and institutions work together to make data sharing easy for organisations. AMdEX offers and enforces (standard) contracts. Organisations can use these to share their data worry-free. They set their own conditions for making their data available.

AMdEX translates these terms into a contract. Alternatively, there is a choice of standard contracts in the AMdEX library. Just like a notary in real life offers legally approved, legally valid contracts to a client. The technology companies that handle the practical side of data sharing will apply the terms of the chosen contract to the transaction.

Watch these videos about AMdEX. Text continues below the videos.

AMdEX follows the Trias Politica principle of separation of powers. Data owners and users determine data sharing policies (please see our Data commons initiative). AMdEX and relevant service providers will implement this policy. Disputes are settled through the legally valid AMdEX contracts. This may involve professional, judicial bodies.

Similar to Internet exchanges around the world, AMdEX will eventually be legally established as a non-commercial, public entity. For example, in an association with stakeholders as members – mainly paying customers and affiliated service providers – that make up the Board of the public AMdEX.

Text continues below the infographic. Click to enlarge.

AMdEX Infograpic - Towards a Fair Data Economy | Amsterdam Economic Board

What we are working on

In the AMdEX field lab, the Amsterdam Economic Board is developing with partners:

  • A prototype AMdEX that provides the basic functionality to enable fair and reliable data consortia;
  • Use cases to test the functionalities of AMdEX in real-world conditions;
  • Governance and business models for scaling AMdEX to an independent association;
  • A multitude of AMdEX-inspired regional, national and international interactions and collaborations.

Want to be involved in the development of AMdEX? Learn more about participation opportunities.

Role of the Amsterdam Economic Board

The Amsterdam Economic Board is one of the initiators of AMdEX. The initiative will be privatised in 2024 for further development and scale-up. In the AMdEX field lab, the Amsterdam Economic Board’s responsibilities include:

  • Through communications, marketing and storytelling – via workshops, webinars and our online channels – we connect a diverse network of governments, businesses and researchers to AMdEX;
  • Develop strategic alliances at regional, national and European levels;
  • Investigate (market) needs for data sharing, techniques and bottlenecks;
  • Identify and develop test cases in co-creation. For example, in collaboration with our Health Data Space Amsterdam initiative.

Invitation to collaborate

Would you also like to contribute to AMdEX and do you have an interesting test case? Check out all the options to participate in AMdEX. Or contact Willem Koeman, Lead Digital.

Follow AMdEX via LinkedIn and X. Would you like to receive the AMdEX newsletter and invites to our events? Please subscribe here.

The development of AMdEX is financially supported by the European Regional Development Fund and the Province of Noord-Holland.

AMdEX grant ERDF

Province of Noord-Holland | Amsterdam Economic Board

Usecase partners

Amsterdam Data Science | Data Sharing Coalition | Dell Technologies | FacilityApps | H20 Esports Campus | iSHARE | KLM | KPN | Luminis | Marineterrein Amsterdam | SAE ITC | Tapp | TNO | UNL

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