Rabobank: Bicycle in Employee Benefit Budget

Get inspired by employers with great bicycle schemes for their employees. We asked 7 questions to Johan Arendshorst of Rabobank. His colleague Erik Versnel is a member of our Board and Network Council.

Transportation by bike has many advantages: cycling is good for the environment and for one’s health. For a sustainable, healthy Amsterdam Metropolitan Area, with vital residents and employees, it is therefore important to encourage the use of bicycles.

1. What does your bicycle scheme entail?

“Our employees can buy an (electric) bicycle once every five years through the Employee Benefit Budget. The bicycle is reimbursed via the gross salary and is therefore fiscally attractive. The maximum amount that can be deducted for a regular bicycle is € 749, for an electric bicycle it is € 1,250. This arrangement does not apply to a lease car. When possible, we offer sheltered, secure bicycle parking, changing rooms and lockers.”

2. Why did you start?

“We promote sustainable mobility. Employees receive an NS Business Card when using public transport. Especially on shorter distances and in urban areas, cycling is a serious competitor to the car. We would also like to promote this way of travelling, hence the bicycle scheme.”

Johan Arendshorst (Rabobank)

3. Since when has this arrangement been made available?

“This scheme has been in place for more than 16 years. Some 1,100 employees used the bicycle scheme in 2022; we expect the same number for this year. This is about 5% of employees who’d be eligible to participate in the bicycle scheme.”

4. What makes your bicycle scheme more attractive than a lease car, public transport or a car allowance?

“Through the bicycle scheme, employees can have their bicycle offset against their gross salary in a tax-friendly way so that the purchase of their bicycle is more advantageous. In addition, they All employees who use their own vehicles for their commute receive a an additional mileage allowance of € 0.12 per kilometer, with a maximum of 40 km one way.”

5. What is the effect of your bicycle scheme on vitality and CO2 reduction?

“Unfortunately, we have no data or insights available.”

6. What obstacles have you encountered?

“Because the bicycle scheme has been around for a long time, I do not have a clear picture of the obstacles that had to be overcome at the time when the bicycle scheme was introduced.”

7. What tips would you offer other organisations?

“Do proper research on the wants and needs of your employees before creating and/or changing policies on mobility.”

Also read about Hieroo’s experiences about their bicycle scheme.

Want to get started with a bicycle scheme now? Read more about our Green Deal Bicycle initiative.

4 December 2023

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