April 14, 2021
• AMdEX is set to become a neutral, independent infrastructure, providing organisations the secure ...April 13, 2021
A bicycle service station near Schiphol, ideas for better bicycle working conditions, a ...April 12, 2021
As an organization, how do you deal responsibly with purchasing ICT and data? ...April 9, 2021
The Amsterdam start-up Clear wants to make a personalized diet accessible to everyone. ...April 7, 2021
One of the themes the Amsterdam Economic Board is working on is ensuring ...April 7, 2021
At the initiative of the Amsterdam Economic Board, seven organizations from the Amsterdam ...March 26, 2021
The VU Hackathon Battle bought together five startups that offer innovative technologies to ...March 23, 2021
The energy transition is being delayed somewhat due to the current corona crisis. ...March 22, 2021
The new COVID algorithm can predict which people are at the greatest risk ...March 18, 2021
The Data plus Pizza meetups are back: online and without pizza. For the ...March 15, 2021
Service technicians drive back and forth in major cities on their way to ...March 11, 2021
The Amsterdam region has become a global leader in applying artificial intelligence to ...