TOMAS was the tool for business, education and government to find collaborative partners for talent development. Read more about TOMAS in the news items and event reports.
The labour market mismatch, due to a qualitative and quantitative shortage of the right talents, is a growing problem in our region. TOMAS provides a structural solution with a matching platform for talent development. Supply and demand are conveniently and insightfully brought together here, with all opportunities for retraining and upskilling in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area. This puts the right people with the right skills in the right place.
There is a growing need for local & regional matching of talent supply and demand, focusing on inclusive and diverse teams. Lifelong development and allowing talents to flourish is crucial in this regard. Educations want to offer more customisation, companies want to actively contribute to better matching supply and demand. Governments are encouraging this development.
Results with TOMAS
Since 2022, TOMAS has:
- mapped 159 talent development initiatives in IT and engineering
- added 249 members to the community
- organised 9 events for the community
- involved 33 businesses in local talent development
- formed 15 exploratory partnerships.
Role of the Amsterdam Economic Board
The Amsterdam Economic Board is the initiator and one of the cooperation partners of TOMAS. We played an important, directing role in the creation of the platform We have connected relevant players in the region to the platform. Offline, we also made relevant connections between talent initiatives and employers.

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