TomTom: “Anyone with a bit of programming talent is welcome.”

The corona crisis hits Amsterdam hard. The city is a virus hotspot, the economy and the population are shrinking, the social consequences are enormous. TomTom director Harold Goddijn: 'The cosmopolitan character of Amsterdam is returning.'

“The government needs to make serious efforts to retrain, especially for people who are now losing their jobs and are not ready for work in a sector that is doing well. Is it possible to retrain a chef to become a software developer at TomTom? “Yes,” says Goddijn. “We do that too.” His wife Corinne Vigreux, one of the founders of TomTom, set up Codam, a programming course on the Marineterrein, which retrains many Amsterdammers. “Taxi drivers, anthropologists, anyone with a little programming talent is welcome.”

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TomTom and the Board

TomTom is a member of the Network Council of the Amsterdam Economic Board and partner of TechConnect. That is the action program that will allow 50,000 extra people from underrepresented target groups to storm the tech labor market.

Corinne Vigreux is co-founder of TomTom and founder of Codam.

Retraining tech talent

At the Amsterdam Economic Board, we focus on retraining talent towards tech via TechConnect. The emphasis is on triple-helix: in this way governments, companies and knowledge institutions work together on the labor market of the future. read more .

MRA Green Deal

A joint approach to the sustainability ambitions should enable a faster recovery of the economy of the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area while strengthening the economy and labor market of the future. We do this in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area through the MRA Green Deal, together with knowledge institutions, companies and governments. Here too, a lot of effort is put into jobs: retraining talent and green jobs. read more .

21 September 2020

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