Sustainability Top 2021 is committed to five agreements
The Board has been working with a wide range of partners for some time to develop concrete investment propositions for themes such as circular textiles and the Amsterdam region as a bicycle metropolis or other firm agreements for employment and a smart, green and healthy region. Interesting coalitions have now emerged with parties that are actively engaged. To reinforce this, the authorities in the MRA are preparing to make five concrete agreements during the MRA Sustainability Top 2021 in October.
There are three Green Deals, about circular timber construction, circular textiles and the Amsterdam region as a bicycle metropolis. In addition, two agreements arose from the MRA Circular Economy program. The agreements are ready in draft and presented to the boards of the MRA participants. Final agreements will be drawn up on the basis of the responses, which will be submitted for signature at the summit in October.
Concept agreements
The Green Deal Circular Textile draft agreement includes the ambition to work towards a more high-quality collection of textiles with a minimum of 7 kilograms per inhabitant per year by 2025 and / or focus on the collection of specific textile flows.
Green Deal MRA Bicycle metropolis focuses, among other things, on an increase in bicycle usage among employees in 2025 as a result of stimulating options in the secondary employment conditions. Further, to bundle the available cycling knowledge and data and to make it as accessible as possible and to realize bicycle service points at various places in the MRA where cyclists can go for services, such as repairs, charging, sheltered places, etc.
In the concept agreement on the Green Deal Wood Construction, the MRA governments aim to realize at least 20 percent of all new-build homes in wood construction / ‘biobased’ construction from 2025. This concerns at least 3,000 homes per year.
The other draft agreements concern non-reusable plastic and circular procurement by the MRA governments. The ambition, for example, is to stop using so-called ‘single use plastics’ at events and to have at least 50 percent of our own purchasing circular by 2025.
Want to participate?
For more information about what is going on with these themes, click here.
Do you want to join in making textiles circular, the region as a bicycle metropolis or Purchasing with Impact, please contact Claire Teurlings or Richard Hoving.
Download the letter about the draft agreements (in Dutch) that was sent to the boards in the MRA.
7 May 2021
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