State of the Region: Investing in Amsterdam Metropolitan Area

On December 10, 2021, the 'State of the Region' will take place for the fourth time. This year it's an online event. The central theme is 'Investing in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area'.

State of the Region 2021 will be an online event this year, due to the current developments with increasing corona infections. Participation is by invitation only.


We open the day with our host Marijke Roskam. VU professor Henri de Groot talks about the economic explorations of the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area and we listen to a spoken column by Gen Z speaker Jahkini Bisselink.

Keynote speaker Prof. Greg Clark talks about ‘An international perspective on the power of the Amsterdam Metropolitan Region’. We end with the State of the Region 2021 by Mayor Femke Halsema – chair of the Amsterdam Economic Board, the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area Club and the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area.

Breakout sessions moved

Because we are making an online broadcast instead of a live event, we are programming the planned six breakout sessions early next year. More information about date, location and time will follow shortly. The sessions cover the following topics:

Investing in… the labor market

How can we make the labor market work better?

The tightness in the labor market was less visible during the corona pandemic, but is now showing itself again in full force and faster than expected. Low unemployment figures, stabilizing participation figures, many unfilled vacancies and a crying shortage of people in education, care, construction, technology and ICT. How do we ensure that supply and demand on the labor market match each other optimally? Where is untapped potential, how is it trained and used sustainably or stimulated to work more hours, and how do we deal with the declining growth in labor productivity for years?

Investing in… mobility

How do we gain momentum in our mobility?

In the MRA, a major transition towards cycling and public transport is crucial for further urbanization. This transition requires investments in public transport and behavioral changes among employers, employees, schools and students. The development of multimodal HUBs and policy instruments regarding parking and alternative funding also offer opportunities. In this sub-session we will discuss the bottlenecks and the possible solutions. And we don’t forget the bicycle, because our ambition is and remains to be the best cycling metropolis!

Investing in… the energy transition

What does a smart energy transition look like?

Our energy network is under heavy pressure. Investments in strengthening the network alone will not get us there, if only because this leads to high social costs. We must therefore also invest differently: in the smarter energy system through innovation, different regulations, new forms of participation and, last but not least, in a change of our mindset. How are we going to experiment with supply and demand management? How do we achieve flexible and different power consumption? What ownership is needed? Where are the best opportunities and what are the examples to learn from? What does your organization do and what else could you contribute to the smarter energy system? Join us and continue to build with us through synergy, innovation and upscaling!

Investing in… the image of the MRA

How do we build the desired image together?

In order to realize the great ambitions of the MRA, a correct image of the MRA is crucial. This requires investments in the right messages that reach the right people at the right time. How do we build the desired image of the MRA together and what is needed for this? In this session we will discuss the power of a good reputation and what it takes to give the MRA ‘more face’. Amsterdam & Partners and the MRA bureau will discuss this with you and what your organization can contribute to this.

Investing in… the housing market

How do we ensure better access and traffic flow?

The MRA is a desirable place to live. Prices in the housing market are rising to unprecedented heights and waiting times in social housing are long. First-time buyers can hardly find a home, more and more families cannot move on to a suitable home and less well-paid employees can hardly find an affordable home close to their work. In short, an increasingly large group of people is at risk. How can we make the housing market accessible to everyone again? What type of new-build homes and neighborhoods are needed? What measures are possible to keep existing homes affordable? How do we invest in making our housing stock more sustainable and in future-proof, liveable neighbourhoods? And what could actually be the consequences for the economy and well-being of our region if we fail to accommodate the above-mentioned groups in our region?

16 November 2021

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