Jessica Peters-Hondelink | Amsterdam Economic Board

Jessica Peters-Hondelink

Executive Director

Amsterdam Economic Board

Jessica Peters-Hondelink is Executive Director at the Amsterdam Economic Board

“By working together, we can tangibly contribute to a sustainable and inclusive future for the region. Where growth and liveability are balanced. In this, I would like to loosen what got stuck and reconnect what became unfastened. Together, as a network, we can make breakthroughs for a new economy that will give back more to the region than it has taken. That’s exactly what we do at the Amsterdam Economic Board: the networking organisation in which companies, governments, academia and social institutions are committed to building the Metropolis of Tomorrow.

“Amsterdam Economic Board puts on the agenda the most important regional issues that we can only solve together. We help build coalitions and act as a catalyst to address these systemic issues by looking and acting differently.

“My background as an entrepreneurial director, systems thinker and facilitator of sustainable transformations comes in handy here. I previously worked as a director at Nyenrode Business University, where I co-founded the ESG Innovation Institute with KPMG. Supporting directors in getting Environment, Social and Governance at the heart of their organisation. And thereby accelerating the transition towards a sustainable economy.”

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