7 January 2021
Logistics, sustainability and digitization: these themes play an important role at the Royal ...6 January 2021
With increasing digitization, there are more and more larger data centers in the ...5 January 2021
If it were up to Atilla Aytekin and Jeroen Verwoort, the Board will ...16 December 2020
The smart, green and healthy region that the Board organizations are working on ...24 November 2020
A coalition of companies from the Amsterdam datacenter chain is working with governments ...23 November 2020
State of the Region is the annually recurring critically optimistic event, in which ...28 October 2020
The Royal Schiphol Group LEAP pilot yielded energy savings of 10 to 13 percent with ...28 September 2020
Purchasing, how do you do that as an organization in a responsible manner? ...24 September 2020
Sapiens will open on the Zuidas in Amsterdam in the autumn of 2021. In ...