Laetitia Stuijt | Amsterdam Economic Board

Laetitia Stuijt

Coalition Coordinator Innovative Region

Amsterdam Economic Board

Focus: Integrating the circular and energy transition

As a student, Laetitia Stuijt interned with the Amsterdam Economic Board’s strategy team in 2020. Based on that knowledge, she wrote her thesis on the transition to a circular economy in Amsterdam. Laetitia also pursued a master’s degree in International Affairs in Berlin, where she focused on sustainability.

Now she is involved in the Amsterdam Economic Board team as a coalition coordinator. She works on the Innovative Region.

With her background in history and documentary filmmaking, Laetitia knows the importance of storytelling. Especially in the necessary transitions, it is important to get everyone involved through inspiring stories.

“My grandfather used to say, ‘it must be done, so it can be done’ – a very pragmatic way of looking at transitions. We have to change to save ourselves and the planet. And even though we may not yet know how – it can be done!”

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