Why the Netherlands needs a single health data infrastructure – now

With a safe and unified health data infrastructure for the Netherlands, we can apply AI to streamline healthcare for the benefit of patients while extending the average healthy lifespan of our citizens. The coronavirus crisis has highlighted that we already have the technology and partnerships in place to make it happen. So, what are we waiting for?

Data to improve patient care

With a national integrated health data infrastructure, which makes data accessible to those responsible parties seeking AI solutions, we can improve on patient care, public health, disease prevention and economic impact – speeding up medical developments by an estimated 10 to 12 years.

Even alone, Amsterdam has access to many of the required moving parts to bring it to the national level: an ethical data stewardship infrastructure, brainpower, testing grounds, engaged policymakers, and the awareness that these innovations involve a delicate dance between private and public entities. We even have a large and intense rainbow of like-minded startups.

The time is ripe…

Plus, a global pandemic has galvanized the life sciences and health sector. With the COVID-19 crisis, the medical community – public, private and policy players – have come together to fight this deadly disease, not only in the Netherlands but all over the world.

Now, let’s use this momentum to revolutionise healthcare – for the benefit of all.

Read the full essay by Amsterdam Economic Board’s former health lead Jeroen Maas.

6 July 2020

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