Registration for National Zorginnovatieprijs 2025 opened

Preparations for the National Zorginnovatieprijs 2025 are in full swing and registration has begun! Together with the partners of Zorg2025, the Amsterdam Economic Board organises the annual regional preliminaries for participants from the provinces of North Holland and Flevoland.

The National Zorginnovatieprijs 2025 is an award for the most innovative company at the scale-up stage in the field of healthcare and well-being. Regional preliminaries will take place throughout the Netherlands. The winner of each regional preliminary round will advance to the finals on March 13 during the Health Valley Event and will take the stage on April 9 during the Zorg ict congress. In short, an excellent opportunity for entrepreneurs to accelerate their innovation that has already been developed, tested and launched.

Registering for the National Zorginnovatieprijs 2025

The Zorg2025 partners are committed to accelerating innovation in healthcare and well-being. Businesses that have already developed, tested and launched their innovation can often use a push to really make their venture a success. This is why Zorg2025 organises the annual regional preliminary round of the National Zorginnovatieprijs. Innovative scale-ups from North Holland and Flevoland: you’re welcome to join in! Look for more information and register directly at

Registering as a participant can be done until Oct. 31, 2024, noon.

Regional preliminaries

On Tuesday, January 21, the regional preliminaries of the Zorginnovatieprijs will take place, organised by the Zorg2025 partners. Selected participants will then get the chance to pitch their innovation in front of a professional jury. The regional winner will go on to be a finalist of the National Zorginnovatieprijs. Read all about the previous regional finalists.

You might win this!

  • The national winner will receive a cash prize of €10,000 (jury prize) or €5,000 (audience prize)
  • Our regional winner will also receive 1 year free membership of the Amsterdam Economic Board’s partner network
  • Finalists receive free entry and their own booth at the Health Valley Event and a booth and podium spot during Zorg ict
  • Professional guidance for further development of your innovation
  • Access to the network
  • A fantastic opportunity for scale-ups to accelerate the development of their innovation!

About Zorg2025

Amsterdam Economic Board, Sigra, Rabobank Amsterdam, ROM InWest and Amsterdam AI have successfully organised regional preliminaries for the Zorginnovatieprijs for many years. In addition, the partners organise Zorg2025 meetings, aimed at bringing together innovators and professionals in the field of healthcare and well-being, as well as businesses, researchers and academia in the field of health and prevention. The premise is to share knowledge, new research and innovative applications.

20 September 2024

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