Personalised treatment – through biotech or ‘datatech’?

The Amsterdam Economic Board and EY will organise the second Amsterdam Life Sciences café – this time with the topic  ‘personalised treatment’ on september 20th at the Science Parc.

As data and data-based solutions take an increasingly prominent role in the sector, we want to start the discussion on how these solutions help personalised treatment. How and to what extent should we incorporate them in our processes – or are they riding the hype cycle and should we stay closer to the biotech approach?

We have invited the following speakers to introduce the topic:

  • Markwin Velders, VP Operations and Managing Director at Kite Pharma EU, will give us an introduction on the personalised cancer treatments that Kite is working on, and on how this has been received by care markets.
  • Marc van Kempen, VP of Development at Teva Pharmaceuticals, will present pharma’s efforts in building data driven patient solutions, and how they contribute to personalised treatment.

In the ensuing debate, we hope to hear your ideas and opinions. As an attendee, you are invited to actively join the discussion. Hope to see you at Café Polder. This location offers an attractive, informal atmosphere, but spaces are limited, so do not wait too long to register. The Amsterdam Life Sciences Café is free of charge.

1 August 2018

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