Participate at Reshaping Work Conference

Employment is changing dramatically. With the push of a button we can have services delivered to our exact location and the number of gig workers is substantial and rising. What does the new world of work mean to us? The 19th and 20th of October, academics, policymakers, business leaders and platform workers will come together to experience the future of work and find ways to shape it.

We welcome academics, business leaders, national and European law- and policymakers, representatives from the temporary staffing industry, platform companies, and platform workers to collectively discuss how digital platforms are reshaping work, income generation, labor rules, standards and routines, as well as corporate social responsibility and social security.

Accordingly, scholars and other professionals are invited to present papers on a broad range of research topics that include, but are not restricted to:

  • Labor law and policy in the platform economy – opportunities and challenges;
  • Social security issues facing platform workers and new safety net provisions;
  • Localized (self-)regulation of labor platforms and market access requirements;
  • The changing nature/experience of work in the platform economy;
  • Social inequality and discrimination in the platform economy;
  • Automation of labor processes on digital platforms;
  • New/emerging platform business models and organizational forms and their impact on labor relations

Those wishing to participate in the conference by presenting a paper are requested to submit a 500-word abstract by July 1, 2017. More information at

24 August 2017

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