Innovations needed for transition to sustainable digital infrastructure

No less than 90% of Dutch people use the internet every day. We all want to continue Netflixing, streaming music, zooming and apping. As a result, the amount of data used will grow – possibly up to twenty times as much by 2030. Ever-expanding data centers are already finding it increasingly difficult to integrate into the energy system and landscape. Critical materials are also becoming increasingly scarce.

At the same time, the Netherlands wants to maintain its digital leading position and excellently functioning digital infrastructure. The transition to a sustainable digital infrastructure is no longer desirable. It is necessary. Innovative solutions are essential for this.

View the complete infographic.

Raise your hand

Do you want to contribute to a sustainable digital infrastructure? Are you working on an innovation in this area? Do you have ideas or technologies that could be part of the approach? Then raise your hand and contact Marjolein Bot , Lead Energy at the Board.

More information

Read more about LEAP’s Technology trends and scenarios – an overview of solutions that have an impact on the increasing energy consumption due to data traffic.

Infographic: Paul van Elk

25 June 2021

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