High Impact Procurement: it is that easy to participate
With every euro that you spend as an organization on products and services, you have the choice for the more sustainable, fairer or more innovative alternative. And the great thing is that everyone can participate with lunch sandwiches, office supplies, ICT, (home) workplaces, transport, you name it. Board members Yuri Sebregts, Barbara Baarsma, Robert Metzke, Mirjam van Praag, Hans Snijders, Geert ten Dam and Jeroen Verwoort have already started. Are you also participating?
Focus on Facility procurement
Every organization purchases specific raw materials, services and products intended for their primary processes. There are also things that almost every organization needs, including energy, work space, ICT, catering, office furniture and transport. If we now all make an impact when purchasing, hiring or leasing these facility services, it will yield a lot:
- It stimulates the demand for and the supply of things that contribute to a smart, green and healthy future, such as clean transport, circular furniture and healthy catering;
- It reduces the demand for things we actually want to say goodbye to: such as fossil energy, disposable items or poor working conditions.
Get down to work
We do not start from scratch. Because there is already a lot of knowledge and experience in the region with, for example, smart and clean city logistics and circular purchasing contracts.
Rabobank Amsterdam, Philips, VU, Nova College, UvA / HvA and the municipality of Velsen are all working towards 100% facility procurement by 2030. That means 10% in 2022 and 50% in 2025. They have already started working and will soon be sharing their knowledge, experience and best practices with the Board network. This autumn they will also participate with their organization in the Impact track Focus on Facilities.
Join us too!
Do you also want to join the procurement movement of the Board? Then sign up for the following initiatives. Together we can make a big impact:
Procurement maturity research; how “mature” is my organization when it comes to Facility High Impact Procurement?
- Period: October and November 2020
- For whom: Purchasers Facility Affairs, COO
In collaboration with the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, we offer the possibility, based on a so-called “procurement maturity model”, to organize your own organization through 3 e year students (Minor Purchasing) under the microscope. How “mature” is your organization when it comes to facility procurement? And which growth spurts in facility high impact procurement can still be made? The students map it out on the basis of interviews and would like to get in touch with your organization. You can register for this until October 11, 2020 via inkopenmetimpact@amecboard.com stating “onderzoek”.
Impacttrack Focus on Facilities
(Pay attention: exclusive for members of the Network Council, Oram or VNO-NCW. Want to become a member of the Network Council? Then click here)
- Period: October 2020 to January 2021
- For whom: Multiple participants from an organization, such as buyers, lawyers, building managers, HR management, etc.
By joining forces and learning from each other, we can accelerate the impact. That is why the Board is starting with an Impact Track – Focus on Facilities.
Teams of approximately 5 participants from different angles and whether departments of one organization can participate. Together they take at least one concrete procurement process with which they want to make an impact within six months. In this way we ensure that knowledge that is acquired is immediately secured. All participants participate in professional sessions and feedback sessions. For more information about the impact track and registration mail to inkopenmetimpact@amecboard.com .
Showcase best practices High Impact Procurement
- Period: from now to summer 2021
- For whom: organizations in the MRA that are already making an impact with Facility Procurement
Is your organization already fully engaged in making an impact on facility procurement? We are looking for (new) successful and inspiring examples from the facility procurement practice. We would like to get in touch with you for an interview about your inspiring initiatives and experiences that we would like to post as an article on our website. You can register for this via inkopenmetimpact@amecboard.com .
8 September 2020
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