Manifesto Tada

The promises of using data and new technologies are great; our cities are becoming greener and offer more quality of life. Healthcare is more effective and education more accessible. But as online traffic is increasing, what happens to the available data? Who develops the algorithms and who is ultimately responsible?

What is Tada?

In 2017, the Amsterdam Economic Board and partners drafted the manifesto Tada, containing shared values for a responsible digital city. These values help to collectively and individually shape a digital society and make an important contribution to the smart Metropolis of Tomorrow. Are we the boss of data, or is data the boss of us?

Results with Tada

  • With our partners, we came up with the values for the Tada Manifesto, raising awareness about the importance of retaining ownership and control of one’s own data.
  • Over a thousand people and organisations have signed this manifesto.
  • We also developed and conducted several workshops. These too had raising awareness about data as their main goal.
  • The Tada movement initiated by these activities has helped in increasing number of organisations become more aware and responsible in their use of data.

Tada | Amsterdam Economic Board

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