Sarphati Amsterdam

‘Sarphati Amsterdam, research for healthy living’ is a unique scientific research institute in Amsterdam. The institute focuses primarily on investigating lifestyle-related diseases such as (severe) obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

The first study involved examining determinants of obesity in all Amsterdam children.

What is Sarphati Amsterdam?

The main goal of Sarphati Amsterdam is to promote a healthy lifestyle and optimal living conditions to prevent obesity in Amsterdam’s youth. This lays a foundation for the long-term prevention and control of lifestyle-related diseases.

Results with Sarphati Amsterdam

  • The institute worked with the City of Amsterdam (GGD) and Amsterdam knowledge institutions (University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam UMC, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and Hogeschool van Amsterdam) to address lifestyle-related diseases.
  • Multidisciplinary teams worked on prevention and healthcare solutions by connecting practice, research and policy.
    Some research projects were funded (in part) by private parties. This resulted in a unique collaboration between government, academia and industry.
  • The Amsterdam Economic Board actively contributed to the establishment of Sarphati Amsterdam, which officially launched on March 8th, 2018.

Photo: Ed Youdon via Flickr

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