
With an exploration of post-growth principles, the Amsterdam Economic Board redefines the conventional economic mindset focused on quantitative growth. Post-growth focuses on greater quality of life, environmental sustainability and social justice. After all: is economic growth really necessary for greater prosperity?

A new economic balance sheet. In which ‘enough’ is sufficient and well-being takes precedence over a rising gross domestic product. The Amsterdam Economic Board is exploring whether (and how) we can apply this approach to concrete initiatives.

What is post-growth?

The post-growth movement is founded on three essential pillars:

  • Quality of life. Not only income, but also health, education and cultural access a a factor
  • Ecological sustainability, respecting the limits of our planet and natural resources
  • Social justice. Aimed at reducing inequality and promoting a fair distribution of wealth

What we are working on

The Amsterdam Economic Board is actively working with partners to integrate post-growth in two tracks:

1. Learning journey ‘Thriving without growing’, a joint exploration with entrepreneurs from the fashion and textile industry on how to shift the focus from quantitative to qualitative growth, while respecting planetary boundaries, our environment and residents.

Want to know more about this learning journey? In the report ‘Bloeien zonder te groeien – Postgroei in textiel: van theorie naar praktijk’ (Dutch pdf) you’ll read all about how we are working with fashion and textile entrepreneurs, Amsterdam Transition Insitute, de Groene Afslag and Hogeschool van Amsterdam to try to flesh out this new economic paradigm. The report contains advice for the national government to help shape the fashion and textile industry of tomorrow.

2. Ecological urban paradise Marineterrein. With partners, we are exploring how to transform the Marineterrein in Amsterdam into a place where economic growth is no longer central. And where prosperity and happiness go hand in hand.

Explore opportunities for post-growth

Would you like to know more about post-growth? Could your organisation contribute to one of the tracks in this exploration? If so, please contact one of the people on this page.

Partners at the Marineterrein

Marineterrein | Kennisland | Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten | AMS Institute | And the People | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Contact us
