MKB InnovatieBooster LSH

The current healthcare system is not future-proof, due to staff shortages, rising costs and an aging population. Smart technologies and digitalisation can help maintain high-quality, accessible care. This requires the development of healthcare innovations and bringing those to the market.

Healthcare desperately needs innovation and entrepreneurship, to quickly exploit new technology through startups and scaleups. Having access to a wealth of knowledge, the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area offers ample opportunities for this. The Elsevier report Understanding Amsterdam’s competitive advantage (pdf) from 2022 says specifically about the region, ‘Amsterdam’s research output is substantial and growing, especially in medicine, health and life sciences’.

Read our news articles and event reports on MKB InnovatieBooster LSH.

What is MKB InnovatieBooster LSH?

It is a joint initiative of the Amsterdam Economic Board and ROM InWest, aimed at improving the regional ecosystem. For academic spin-offs, innovative LSH startups and scaleups. And also for scientists toying with the idea of starting a company.

The Amsterdam Economic Board and ROM InWest, as regional development organisations, are taking charge of the ecosystem in converting Life Sciences Health knowledge into new businesses. This increases opportunities for rapid growth. It also allows more innovations to reach the market faster. This contributes to healthcare, society, economic development and the earning power and competitiveness of the region.

We make early-stage funding and support opportunities accessible to these parties. We increase growth opportunities, as well as the quantity and quality of regional LSH startups. We do this by leveraging our sector knowledge and expertise. We also look at how the innovation ecosystem works and initiate ways to improve it.

What we are working on

  • Contributing to a joint regional LSH strategy
  • Provide input on business cases to prepare them for the investment process
  • An annual regional LSH Capital Match event, where entrepreneurs speed-date with investors, and entrepreneurial academics get inspired

Results with MKB InnovatieBooster LSH

  • Second regional LSH Capital Match event in November 2024, featuring 100 startups and 26 investors
  • Organisation of the first regional LSH Capital Match event in November 2023, featuring 50 startups and 20 investors

Join us

Would your organisation like to contribute to the MKB InnovatieBooster LSH initiative? Are you keen to participate? Please send an email to one of our contacts.

MKB InnovatieBooster LSH archief | Amsterdam Economic Board

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