The European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy ageing (EIP on AHA)

Four stars! What does it mean?

Being recognised as a Reference Site EIP-AHA means that the Amsterdam metropolitan area is regarded as a highly inspirational ecosystem, delivering creative and workable solutions that improve the lives and health of older people. These solutions can be scaled-up and replicated across the EU. A reference site can be rewarded from 1 up till 4 stars.


Over the last couple of years both formal as informal societal changes, the speed of digitalisation and individualisation in society have resulted in an unbalanced demand on participation skills and the capacity to self-manage of the ageing population. The characteristics of the elderly population and challenges in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area reflect also major city issues: these are related to hyper diversity, urban density, differences in healthy life expectancy, escalating healthcare costs and shortage in the labour market.

Partners of the Consortium Active & Healthy Ageing Amsterdam Metropolitan Area (CAHA-AMA) have agreed to collaborate on political, organisational, technological and financial level toward active and healthy aging by facilitating health promotion strengthen functioning and well-being of all inhabitants in the metropolitan area. Because of the complex coherence of factors related to active & healthy ageing, challenges in health and wellbeing are approached from a holistic view on ageing and a life course perspective.

The focal points of CAHA-AMA are:

  • Creating age-friendly neighbourhoods and public transport system
  • Focusing on growth of social capital, participation and health promotion
  • Stimulating technological and data-driven innovations
  • Facilitating informal care close to home and specialised personalized care when needed.
  • Strengthening the learning process and capabilities within the complex and coherent system of healthcare

The CAHA-AMA has a strategy and action plan, aimed at creating a life course-friendly region enabling elderly to live at home as long and as well as possible. A number of strategic meetings with core partners have resulted in a commitment on three focal points: health promotion in super diverse urban environments; growth of citizens’ empowerment and social capital; and innovative solutions in housing and care.

Partners in the AMA collaborate in various partnerships. The academic partners excel in biomedical, health & life sciences, social sciences and data technology. Public and private partners ensure in close cooperation with governmental organizations, citizens and educational partners solid routes for collaborative learning and innovation in health promotion, prevention, care, cure and community development.
The consortium of partners has grown from 35 partners in 2016 to 91 in 2019.

To apply for European grants for innovation, we form consortia (an organization-transcending collaboration) consisting of partners from the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area network and European partners from the 74 Reference Sites network. A consortium is built around a theme. Together with the network, we are currently choosing the themes that we will focus on in the coming period. You can think of environment and health and the elderly and the elderly and work. Do you want more information or do you want to participate? Contact Sabina van der Veen and Anke Heijsman.

The Consortium

The consortium Active and Healthy Ageing in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area  (CAHA-AMA) has grown from 35 partners in 2016 to 91 in 2019.


Amsterdam Municipality,
Amsterdam Public Health Service (fundamental partner),
Almere Municipality,
Zaanstad Municipality,
Haarlem Municipality,
Haarlemmermeer Municipality,
Region Gooi en Vechtstreek

Health and care providers

Elaa (Primary Care Physician Network Amsterdam),
SAG (Foundation of Amsterdam healthcare centres).

Home & residential care

Zonnehuisgroep Amstelland,
Vivium Zorggroep Naarderheem,


Amsterdam UMC (VUmc en AMC),
BovenIJ hospital,
OLVG hospital.


Amsterdam Economic Board,
Amsterdam Smart City,
Waag Society,
AHTI (Amsterdam Health & Technology Institute),
AHTC (Amsterdam Health & Technology Center),
AFWC (Amsterdam federation of housing corporates),
BSiN (Better together –  North Amsterdam),
Life Sciences Partners (LSP),
Chamber of Commerce Amsterdam,
Healthcare Innovation Transfer,
Stichting (Foundation) Age Friendly Wonen Amsterdam.


Zilveren Kruis/Achmea
RABO bank,
TallKing Quarter,
Nutricia Research,
Philips Healthcare Amsterdam,

Research and Academia:

University of Amsterdam (UvA),
VU University (VU),
Amsterdam University Medical Centers (Amsterdam UMC),
–        Amsterdam Public Health research institute,
–        Research programme Ageing & Later Life,
–        LASA (Longitudinal Ageing Studies Amsterdam)
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (Hogeschool van Amsterdam),
–        Digital Life Centre,
University of Applied Sciences InHolland (Hogeschool InHolland),
University of Applied Sciences Windesheim Flevoland,

Vocational education
–        ROC van Amsterdam,
–        MBO College West,
–        ROC Flevoland,
Ben Sajet Centre,
Alzheimer Nederland – section Noord-Holland,
VU University Medical Imaging Centre,
Spinoza Centre for Neuroimaging,
Nederlands Kanker Institute (NKI),
Centrum voor Cliëntervaringen (Centre for Client Experience),
AMS (Amsterdam institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions),
ASC (Amsterdam Skill Centre).

Civil society

Cliëntenbelang Amsterdam (patients advocacy group),
NOAR & AOA (Amsterdam older people’s platform),
Platform Stadsdorpen Amsterdam (urban platform of senior citizens’ initiatives),
Working group age-friendly Buitenveldert,
WoonSaem (older migrant group),
HierTV/ Senior-Live.

Role of the Board

The Board coordinates the partnership and helps the network with applying for subsidies.

More information

You can find the European website here. You can also find more information about this network at SmartHealthAmsterdam.

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