WeMakeThe.City 2020 Marathon | The Reset September 21

By |2023-06-06T15:21:03+02:0018 September 2020|News|

In this Corona year, we will be discussing the uncertain future of our city and the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area in a 12-hour LIVECAST marathon during WeMakeThe.City. With the theme 'Reset', in 11 program blocks, ingenious thinking, imagination and creativity come together to formulate alternative visions and action perspectives. How are we going to do things differently in the coming years? What should we stop doing immediately and in which areas should we invest heavily? What new financial models and alliances do we need for this? How do we make our metropolis more just, more inclusive, more sustainable, more climate-resilient, safer, more successful and happier? And above all, which values are guiding in the decisions that we will have to take as a society in the coming period?

TekkieWijzer helps to choose when learning and working in IT

By |2023-06-06T15:21:05+02:0015 September 2020|News|

TekkieWorden.nl, the guide to studying and working in tech, introduces the 'TekkieWijzer'. An online assessment that allows participants to discover tech jobs and education appropriate to their skills and talents. A voyage of discovery in which all possible career paths within tech are followed. The result is a proprietary tech profile, to which a roadmap to relevant studies and jobs is linked. TekkieWijzer is part of a roadmap for retraining to IT. From introduction to orientation and training. The TekkieWijzer is an initiative of TekkieWorden, FutureNL, iamprogrez and Rabobank Foundation.

Media and the lies around COVID-19

By |2023-06-06T15:21:07+02:0014 September 2020|News|

In an age defined by social media and identity politics, ‘truth’ has become an increasingly shifty beast. As a result, ‘fear spreads faster than the infection’. So how can scientific experts and doctors better translate their knowledge around the coronavirus into public perception and more effective policies? And how does media support – or impede – these efforts?

Barbara Baarsma: ‘We have to build and build’

By |2023-06-06T15:21:06+02:0014 September 2020|News|

The corona crisis hits Amsterdam amidships. The city is a virus hotspot, the economy and population are shrinking, the social consequences are enormous. Rabobank Amsterdam director Barbara Baarsma: 'We have to invest hard in this crisis.'

Event recap: How to Get People to Use Contact Tracing Apps

By |2023-06-06T15:21:08+02:0010 September 2020|News|

People around the globe are trying to fight COVID-19 for months now and progress is made in developing ways to do so. While medicines and vaccines are being developed and testing facilities scaled up, we try to get a grip on the spread of the virus by doing contact-tracing. Up until now, the Netherlands have done so by tracing interactions of people who tested positive and informing them. To help determine the people who should be warned, several contact-tracing apps have been developed and introduced around the world. One more successful than the other.

High Impact Procurement: it is that easy to participate

By |2023-06-06T15:21:09+02:008 September 2020|News|

With every euro that you spend as an organization on products and services, you have the choice for the more sustainable, fairer or more innovative alternative. And the great thing is that everyone can participate with lunch sandwiches, office supplies, ICT, (home) workplaces, transport, you name it. Board members Yuri Sebregts, Barbara Baarsma, Robert Metzke, Mirjam van Praag, Hans Snijders, Geert ten Dam and Jeroen Verwoort have already started. Are you also participating?

TechConnect’s ‘PathWays’ offers a glimpse into the tech world

By |2023-06-06T15:21:10+02:001 September 2020|News|

With an increasing number of IT retrains as a direct result of the corona crisis, the need for training and career orientation in the IT sector is also increasing. To familiarize this group with the world of tech, TechConnect is introducing the career orientation program 'PathWays'. The helping hand in mapping out a personal IT learning and career path. The good news? There are still 20 places available for the new round of September 28!

High Impact Procurement: start now or share your knowledge

By |2023-06-06T15:21:11+02:0027 August 2020|News|

With every euro that you spend as an organization on products and services, you have the choice for the more sustainable, fairer or more innovative alternative. This makes procurement an important driver for a smart, green and healthy future for the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area. Systems and habits are thus broken. Do you already have experience with high impact procurement and do you want to share your knowledge? Or are you still new in this field and would you like to learn more? We would like to get in touch with you.

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