Manon Roest | Young on Board | Amsterdam Economic Board

Manon Roest

PhD candidate


Manon Roest is a physician working on her doctoral research at Tilburg University and the Samenwerkende Topklinische Opleidingsziekenhuizen (STZ), on innovations that lead to care transformation. During her studies, Manon developed new care pathways for digital care concepts, with a digital general practice as the final product.

In addition to her work as a physician and property manager, Manon is founder of the Repharmable Foundation, which promotes sustainable drug use. She is also a board member at the Maya Universe Academy Foundation, a school community in Nepal that provides English-language education and shelter to children in surrounding rural areas.

The quality of life in Amsterdam is less and less self-evident. Complex issues are not only encountered in healthcare; they play out in every sector. Themes such as labour shortages, (digital) infrastructure and sustainability are sector-transcending bottlenecks. Young on Board members apply their expertise and creativity in addressing such complex social issues.

“I believe we view the challenges we’ll face in the coming years differently. Thus, we complement the Board and dare to create friction when we think that’s necessary.”

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