Hacking Health Amsterdam

The Amsterdam Economic Board, Sigra, Amsterdam UMC, HVO Querido and FRIZ! & Glowmakers initiated the first-ever Hacking Health Amsterdam in April 2019. In the hackathon, unusual teams work on extraordinary solutions for healthcare and health in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area.

This aim can only be achieved by improving health and healthcare in the region. By focusing on prevention, connecting the demand for help and the supply of healthcare, disruptive solutions by creative thinkers and by implementing and using technology and data in healthcare.

During Hacking Health Amsterdam, the focus is not on the patients and their illness, but on residents and their health. Unique to the event is the involvement of a large number of healthcare and welfare partners. From homeless shelters to teaching hospitals, from mental health services to home care; all relevant parties around the residents of our region are present.

Results with Hacking Health Amsterdam

Never before in the Netherlands has the Health Hackathon brought together so many different parties in healthcare and welfare, dealing with citizens. This created a unique opportunity to create collaborations that blurred the boundaries between different parties around citizens. Patients, healthcare and wellness professionals, designers, programmers and entrepreneurs worked together in one weekend to achieve the wonderful goal of ‘healthy and happy Amsterdammers’.

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