Let’s get things done!

Look differently, act differently

Working towards inclusive prosperity in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area

Circular clothing works!

Join these Network Council members in using circular workwear

Happy Flow Manual

Save 10% on the energy consumption of your data servers

Manifesto Tada

Stay in complete control of your own data .


Learn to make sustainable choices in procurement

Circular business strategy

Prevent waste and promote recycling at the workplace

Let’s get things done!

Make sustainability and innovation a recurring theme within your organisation. A few small improvements lead to bigger steps towards a green, smart and healthy future. The Amsterdam Economic Board is here to offer support, together with leaders from our network. With our partners, we have developed and tested a wide range of tools and resources to enable you to work on sustainability in your organisation. Use them to your advantage and get things done!

Join us

Want to know more about the Amsterdam Economic Board? Find you what you can do for yourself and your organisation. Check out all possibilities and join us!

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