In a brief, online session, we’ll update board members and partners on regional developments. There is room for requests and for new topics on the agenda.
This online session is by invitation only, and will be held in Dutch. Would you be interested or do you have a question? Please contact Marjan Schrama.
The programme is to be announced later.
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The Board
Our Board consists of top executives from companies, knowledge institutions and governments from the Amsterdam region. And individuals who make an important contribution to the conversation about the future of the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area. Board members can join our Board by invitation only. We ensure a balance between members from business, knowledge institutions, governments and other (social) organisations.
There are many ways to be actively involved with the Amsterdam Economic Board. Join us! You are more than welcome.
Our partners form a powerful network of some 135 leading decision makers (executives, CEOs, chairpersons, founders, CIOs, directors) within companies, knowledge institutions and governments.
Would you like to join? Read about the benefits of partnering with us for your organisation.
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