With this kick-off, the Amsterdam Economic Board and partners take a step towards strengthening a healthy, future-proof regional economy.

In October 2024, we chose three themes:

  1. Life Sciences & Health (incl. biotech) for a healthy region
  2. Circular raw materials, energy and industry for a clean region
  3. Sustainable and responsible technology and AI as an incubator for an innovative region

We are ready to develop these themes into concrete projects. So that we can work together in coalitions. The theme Life Sciences & Health is central to this kick-off event. We do this together with partners from our network.

Would you like to contribute to a healthy region with a future-proof economy? Please contact Jet or Gerty.

The event will be held in Dutch.


9:45 a.m. Doors open (programme starts at 10:00 a.m.)

Welcome, introduction and programme
Hans van Goudoever (Amsterdam UMC)

Background, long-term goal and framework
Robert Metzke (Philips)

Six inspirational pitches

  1. The sleeping giant in biotech and health: valorisation, acceleration and innovation
    Linze Rijswijk (ROM InWest)
  2. LSH Innovation district Amsterdam Metropolitan Area: cross-over opportunities
    Frederique Bambach (Amsterdam UMC)
  3. Addressing the workforce, employer approach to chronic conditions
    Lidewij Renaud (TNO)
  4. An MRA with a heart: working towards an integrally inclusive approach to cardiovascular health in the metropolitan region
    Robert Metzke (Philips)
  5. Urban Living / healthy buildings, innovative housing solutions for social cohesion and health
    Mosgan Tofighi Shirazi (Rochdale)
  6. Healthy investing, how funding streams and public health are related
    Luc Hagenaars (Amsterdam UMC)

Short break and work group selection

Table discussion and elaboration of topics in 6 work groups

Feedback from work groups, topic selection and commitment

Completion and follow-up

More information

Within the theme of the healthy region, we connect board members and other partners from our network in coalitions. Amsterdam Economic Board’s team provides concrete cooperation on mission-driven goals in the medium and long term.

Would you and your organisation like to be involved in this? Please feel free to contact us.

Where and when?

Board event
  • Amsterdam Economic Board
  • 27 Feb 2025
  • 10:00 -


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