The Executive kick-off around Circular Raw Materials, Energy and Industry, organised by the Amsterdam Economic Board and their partners, is a step towards a clean region.

In this meeting, we will bring together a small group of directors from the region to shape Amsterdam Economic Board’s strategic direction for the theme of Circular Raw Materials, Energy and Industry. Together with our partners, we will set out the line, which we will then concretise and further sharpen with the Amsterdam Economic Board network at the network-wide kick-off on April 2.

More information

Within the theme of the Circular Raw Materials, Energy and Industry we connect boardmembers and other partners from the network into coalitions. The Amsterdam Economic Board’s team provides concrete cooperation on mission-driven goals in the medium and long term.

Would you also like to contribute with your knowledge and expertise at the kick-off on April 2? Then contact Ayelet or Onno.

Where and when?

  • 05 Mar 2025
  • 10:00 -

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