How can data and AI help make our city more accessible to all? And what dilemmas does the city face? The ability to travel independently via public transportation, shop for groceries or go to a restaurant are taken for granted by most people. Unfortunately, not everyone has that privilege.

For people with limited mobility (for example, wheelchair users), getting around Amsterdam can be difficult. There are many obstacles, such as narrow or bumpy sidewalks and high curbs. The City of Amsterdam aims to be a free, just and sustainable city for all. For this, accessibility in the city is essential. With the Amsterdam for All initiative, the City of Amsterdam is exploring and experimenting with how it can use data and AI to ensure accessibility for its residents.

This event has been moved from July 16 to September 26, 2024.


  • 15:45 – 16:00 Walk-in
  • Welcome and introduction by Amsterdam Smart City
  • Vishruth Krishnan (Amsterdam municipality) gives a demo of a route planner

The city’s Innovation Department has created a prototype route planner specifically for people dealing with reduced mobility. This plots the most accessible route for each person, based on what they need. Data scientist Vishruth Krishnan tells all about this route planner and the dilemmas involved in using the necessary data.

Hans developed the Integral Perspective on Accessibility (IKOB) method to improve accessibility. This method assists in collecting data and analysing the severity of current inequalities and the effects of policy measures. IKOB has already been applied in nearly 20 projects, including four in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area.

  • Michiel Bontenbal (Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences) on Urban Sounds

Urban Sounds is developing a privacy-friendly sensor that classifies sounds in an urban environment. The first sound sensor is now active at the Marineterrein and a second version is under development. Michiel talks about the challenges developers face and asks: How can this technical solution best be used around the issue of accessibility?

  • Panel discussion
  • 17:15-18:00 wrap-up and networking

More information

Four times a year, our Amsterdam Smart City programme, together with the City of Amsterdam’s Data Lab, explores opportunities to use data and new technologies to address urban and societal challenges. The focus here is on responsible digitalisation.

The goal is to use data to make cities safer, cleaner and more accessible. But what happens to all the data collected? What dilemmas do we encounter when collecting (personal) data to improve the city? These questions matter to everyone: governments, knowledge institutions, businesses and civil society. The Amsterdam Smart City network is happy to explore with you what decisions are needed for responsible use of data.

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Amsterdam Smart City

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