100,000 companies residual waste-free by 2025

By |2023-06-06T15:22:35+02:0014 December 2020|News|

The circular economy is becoming the new normal, and data is propelling it. In the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area, numerous organisations are already hard at work on circular initiatives that prioritise the application of data. Among them is Seenons, which helps businesses manage their sustainable waste separation and collection. ‘We want to fix the flaws in the system.’

New book: 10 Guiding Principles for Building a Circular Economy

By |2023-06-06T15:22:36+02:004 December 2020|News|

The worldwide use of natural resources is growing at an alarming speed. If we maintain our present consumption and production patterns, we will need three Earths by the year 2050. The circular economy can bend this curve: it closes the loops of products, materials and resources, yielding the lowest possible environmental impacts, while using renewable energy sources and safeguarding the planet’s biodiversity. In the book ’How Network Governance Powers the Circular Economy’, Board member Jacqueline Cramer shows how network governance can power the circular economy.

Coalitions launched: together sustainably from the crisis

By |2023-06-06T15:22:37+02:004 December 2020|News|

Companies, knowledge and educational institutions and governments in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area are preparing for important and joint steps towards a more circular approach to textiles, strengthening the position of the region as a bicycle hotspot, many more new-build houses made of wood and more technical talent in sustainable jobs. As a result, we invest faster and more effectively in the economy of today and tomorrow. The aim is to create jobs in the short term, to fill existing vacancies and to achieve greater well-being and prosperity in the long term.

Dutch ICs will collaborate and share data to save lives

By |2023-06-06T15:22:38+02:003 December 2020|News|

After Paul Elbers, Intensivist of the Amsterdam UMC had made his appearance at the State of the Region to highlight the importance of collaboration and sharing medical data, he sat at the table in the Op1 program in the evening for a world first to be allowed to share. Dutch intensive care providers will collaborate on a large scale and share data to improve the treatment of critically ill patients. This data mainly comes from IC equipment such as surveillance monitors and respirators. The combination of treatment data and artificial intelligence can make it clear which treatment works best for which patient. The collaboration is called icudata.nl and is unique in the world.

Sustainable recovery & more binding cooperation

By |2023-06-06T15:22:39+02:002 December 2020|News|

The ambition is clear: the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area must become a high-class region. How? 'Only together', with a more professional organization and by making use of the thinking and innovation power that is already available in the region. Welcome to State of the Region 2020.

Coalition datacenter chain wants to save 40% energy

By |2023-06-06T15:22:41+02:0024 November 2020|News, News|

A coalition of companies from the Amsterdam datacenter chain is working with governments on the datacenter energy saving initiative 'LEAP'. Expected is that the energy consumption in data centers can be reduced by up to 40 percent in the next three years. With this initiative, government, companies and knowledge institutions are working together to realize a sustainable digital economy at a faster pace. During the first phase, 20 coalition partners will conduct pilots to investigate the possibilities for energy saving, without loss of performance.

‘Inspired AI’ and the future of health

By |2023-06-06T15:22:40+02:0024 November 2020|News|

At the world’s leading AI summit, Smart Health Amsterdam hosted a programme showcasing the region’s leadership role in applying data science to a clinical setting. Innovations in cancer and COVID-19 treatments, as well as an ambitious billion-euro programme ‘AI Technology for the People’ put Amsterdam’s collaborative smart health ecosystem in the global spotlight.

State of the Region 2020: online and for everyone

By |2023-06-06T15:22:43+02:0023 November 2020|News|

State of the Region is the annually recurring critically optimistic event, in which we together take a look at the joint strength and capacity of the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area. We connect vision of the future to action now. State of the Region would take place in June this year, but has been moved to December 2, 2020.

Can AI learn better bedside manners?

By |2023-06-06T15:22:46+02:0016 November 2020|News|

The Zorg2025 online gathering ‘AI: social and personal?’ explored the real-people side of artificial intelligence. While it’s clear that increasing social interaction between machines and patients is already working to lighten the workloads of healthcare workers and improving outcomes, the process remains complicated – just like people…

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