ROM InWest and Amsterdam Economic Board confirmed collaboration

On May 30, 2022, the Regional Development Agency InWest (ROM InWest) and the Amsterdam Economic Board signed a cooperation agreement.

Amsterdam Economic Board stimulates collaboration for the Metropolis of Tomorrow and accelerates innovation that contributes to major social issues. ROM InWest takes cooperation further with financing and helps entrepreneurs with bottlenecks in business development. By joining forces, we strengthen the impact on a smart, green and healthy region.

Stronger together

“Just like ROM InWest, Amsterdam Economic Board is working on impact, focusing on the circular economy and energy transition. The collaboration is therefore more than logical and makes it more accessible for entrepreneurs to find support in the field of investments, innovation and further development,” says Janet Nieboer, CEO at ROM InWest.

ROM InWest is very important to the Amsterdam Economic Board. Our initiatives now have the opportunity to apply for funding and develop further. We provide the ROM with knowledge about networks and players in the region that are active in areas such as health, the circular economy and the energy transition. Together we strengthen each other”, responds Nina Tellegen, general director of the Amsterdam Economic Board.

ROM InWest samenwerking | Amsterdam Economic Board

Signing the cooperation agreement.

30 May 2022

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